Pierre City Commission Approves Temporary Liquor Licenses For Events At Larkspur Landing Event Center

Pierre City Commission Approves Temporary Liquor Licenses For Events At Larkspur Landing Event Center

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Pierre City Commission made quick work of a light agenda Tuesday night. The Commission approved four temporary liquor license requests filed by Larkspur Landing Event Center in Pierre. Manager Becki Scott says she wants to stay ahead with liquor license approvals…

The City of Pierre changed it’s ordinance to allow up to 20 temporary liquor licenses to be approved for an organization using a license from outside of Hughes County. Those 20 events can be used by calendar year. Commissioner Todd Johnson asked Scott about the time frames of events held at Larkspur Landing…

Police Chief Jason Jones says he has no issues with Scott’s operation…

Commissioners approved the four requests individually with unanimous votes.