Fort Pierre City Council Gets Earful From Residents At Recent Meeting

Fort Pierre City Council Gets Earful From Residents At Recent Meeting

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The City of Fort Pierre has been without a Public Works Director for nearly two months and for some residents there is a growing frustration. Rick Hahn was not reappointed by the City Council in early May. One of Hahn’s duties was to help train Assistant Public Works Director Jess Powell. One of Powell’s main priorities is to address nuisance properties and code enforcement. Resident Taylor Hughes says he’s being harassed…

Hughes says he’s not alone…

Mayor Gloria Hansen says Powell is following the city’s ordinances…

A second person, Rebecca Widvey complained to the Council about a street project in front of her house that hasn’t been completed and specifically called out the Council for firing Hahn before the project was completed.