Federal Grants Awarded For Highway Projects On South Dakota Reservations

Federal Grants Awarded For Highway Projects On South Dakota Reservations

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The U-S Department of Transportation has awarded two central South Dakota projects grants from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity or RAISE grant money. Four South Dakota projects totaling 31-point-six million dollars are a part of one-point-eight billion dollars in RAISE grant awards from across the country. A total of two-point-three million dollars in RAISE funds have been awarded for a project to reconstruct Bureau of Indian Affairs Routes Five and 10 between the Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Headquarters , Lower Brule, South Dakota Highway 47 and Interstate 90. The Lyman County project will include widening the road, rumble strips, flatter slopes and improving curves on the road. Improvements to pedestrian areas are also included. A total of three-point-two million is going to the Cheyenne River-Ziebach County Roadway Improvement Project. That project will plan and design the reconstruction of 38 miles of road in Dupree and Cherry Creek. The project will promote long-term economic growth in an underserved area and ensure goods are transported efficiently.