Game, Fish And Parks Department To Create Camping Survey To Better Understand State Park Camping Use, Needs

Game, Fish And Parks Department To Create Camping Survey To Better Understand State Park Camping Use, Needs

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Game, Fish and Parks Department is looking to find out what people who camp in South Dakota State Parks like or what from their camping experiences. G-F-and-P Deputy Director Al Nedved says a camper survey is something they’ve been looking to do for a number of years…

They also hope to discover the demographics of park campers as far as who is getting into camping and getting away from it. Nedved believes data from the survey will help them better focus park use for campers…

Nedved says they want to discover any barriers to camping in state parks to make it available to more people…

The survey will be electronically distributed through email lists to about 35-hundred people with a goal of have one-thousand surveys returned. Nedved says similar surveys have about a 30-percent return rate, which he called good. The survey will be completely voluntary with no obligation to fill out. Officials hope to send the first batch of surveys out in the next few weeks.