Executive Board Approves Company To Handle Human Resource Issues For Legislative Research Council

Executive Board Approves Company To Handle Human Resource Issues For Legislative Research Council

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Executive Board of the South Dakota Legislature has approved the Legislative Research Council to enter into an agreement for human resource services. Alternative H-R based in Sioux Falls presented to the E-Board Monday in Pierre. Senator Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown says L-R-C has seen a need for something more formal in recent years…

Alternative H-R Director of Operations Karen DeLange says they provide “correctional H-R” to entities that can’t support full human resource divisions…

An hour of time with their representative is included in the 99-dollars per month with additional time billed hourly at a discounted rate. Representative Huge Bartels of Watertown says the decision was needed to insure the security of the L-R-C…

Representative Chris Karr of Sioux Falls says adding Alternative H-R to help the L-R-C is one of the most important things he’s seen the Legislature do in his eight years as a lawmaker. Hughes County utilized Alternative H-R from October of 2023 to February of 2024 before hiring an H-R staffer who is shared between the county and the South Dakota Housing Development Authority.