Bids For Tatanka Trail Pedestrian Bridge Tabled By Fort Pierre City Council

Bids For Tatanka Trail Pedestrian Bridge Tabled By Fort Pierre City Council

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council tabled awarding a bid for the Tatanka Trail pedestrian bridge project last week. The bid award was tabled after Mark Morris with Morris Inc. of Fort Pierre interjected into the Council’s work that the process by the city was not fair….

Andy Johnson with A-G-E Corporation defended their bid and work with the city…

Johnson and Morris continued to interject as the Council considered what action to take. As Mayor Gloria Hanson attempted to get control of the meeting Scott Switzer with Brosz Engineering, a contracted engineer with Fort Pierre, thought the meeting might be breaking the law…

The discussion took up 33 minutes of the Council’s two hour meeting. A motion to rebid the project was withdrawn and replaced with the motion to able action on the bridge bid until the Council’s next meeting. The full discussing on the bid is posted here.