Summer Study On Artificial Intelligence And Access To The Internet By Minors Holds First Meeting Tuesday

Summer Study On Artificial Intelligence And Access To The Internet By Minors Holds First Meeting Tuesday

PIERRE, (KCCR) — A summer study committee of the South Dakota legislature focusing on artificial intelligence an access to the internet by minors met for the first time Tuesday in Pierre. After hours of testimony from the Department of Education and legislative groups on current laws in other states, Committee member Senator Jim Mehlhaff of Pierre says the group should look at what’s already in state law…

Representative Tony VenHuizen of Sioux Falls says he wants to know more about the impact of electronic devices on students….

Co-chair of the Committee Representative Mike Weisgram of Fort Pierre says the group will likely be split into sub-committees to focus down on the areas discussed during the meeting…

The Committee’s next meeting is planned for August.