Hughes County Commission To Meet Tonight

Hughes County Commission To Meet Tonight

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. The Commission will consider approval of the consent calendar before holding two public hearings. The public hearings at 5:30 and 5:35 pm are for rezoning requests for Cowan Tract Two and Lovell Track Two to change the parcels from Ag-B to Ag-B-Two. Final consideration will be given to plat changes in the Donahue Addition and Helen’s Place subdivision. Finance Officer Thomas Oliva will review the recent successful completion of the primary election post-election audit and Commissioners will hear an update on insurance and trends. The Commission will get updates from Emergency Manager Troy Blevins and Veterans Service Officer Mike Mullen. The meeting will end with reports from the Auditor, County Manager and Commission liaisons. The Hughes County Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. The meeting is open to the public.