Gettysburg Grain Buyer Withdraws Application For Class B License

Gettysburg Grain Buyer Withdraws Application For Class B License

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission took no action Monday on a request by a Gettysburg grain buyer for a Class B grain buyer license. The Banghart Properties application came before the Commission under a complaint file that was settled last year. Staff Attorney Amanda Riess says there was a reason for making it it’s own separate application…

Riess says staff was recommending the Commission grant the license However, Banghart withdrew the application…

Commissioner Chris Nelson saw nothing wrong with bringing the application up through the earlier complaint….

Nelson added Banghart’s dealings with Nebraska regulators was concerning but put it back on staff to do the same if Banghart applies again. Banghart has a current Class B buyer’s license until the end of the month.