WINNER, (KCCR) — State and local officials gathered in Winner Friday to celebrate the completion of a two-year construction project on U-S Highway 18 and State Highway 44. Winner Area Engineer Doug Sherman the project had it’s beginnings over a decade ago…
Reede Construction of Aberdeen was one of two contractors on the project. Project Superintendent Mike Flakus says it was one of the best projects they’ve worked on…
Winner Mayor Brad Schramm was most proud of the fact the most important material used in the project was produced in Winner…
A ribbon cutting was held as a part of the dedication. The 34-million 400-thousand dollar project included 60-thousand, 500 yards of concrete; 23-thousand feet of curb and gutter; 20-thousand linear feet of new sidewalk and 159 tons of base course gravel. Two-point-four million of the total cost was spent by the City of Winner on new water and sewer infrastructure under the highway.