PIERRE, (KCCR) — A state commission that oversees the conduct and training of law enforcement officers in South Dakota has revoked the certification of Mellette County Sheriff Mike Blom for conduct unbecoming of a law enforcement officer. The revocation is effective immediately. Based on evidence presented to the law Enforcement Standards and Training Commission Blom had been in a relationship with a woman on probation for drug charges. A condition of that probation was to not consume alcohol or enter places that sell it. Around November 11th of last year; Blom, the woman and another couple had entered bars in several towns and bought alcohol for the woman. He was also a witness to an assault in a vehicle he was driving and didn’t report it to police. After dropping the couple involved in the assault off, tribal police were called to a domestic assault involving the two later in the evening. Blom was then dishonest with Division of Criminal Investigation agents looking into the assault. The action by the Commission can not remove Blom from the Office of Sheriff, but does remove is law enforcement powers and authorities. Blom can appeal the Commission’s decision to circuit court.