MINNEAPOLIS, MN, (KCCR) — The Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association has once again recognized Riverfront Broadcasting with the prestigious, regional Eric Sevareid Award for excellence in broadcast journalism. Riverfront Broadcasting News received 13 Sevareids at this weekend’s Midwest Journalism Conference. A five-part series in July of last year on railroad motorcars received four Sevareids for Hard and Soft Feature, Audio and Broadcast Writing….
A story on Pierre’s first flight to Minneapolis in over a decade also won multiple awards for Audio, General Reporting and Individual Multimedia Storytelling….
K-C-C-R won an award for Breaking News for coverage of a July 18th hail storm and a Sevareid in Social Media for using Facebook to bring severe weather coverage to central South Dakota. Riverfront Broadcasting swept the Audio category with a story on Fun Time Rentals of Fort Pierre reviving the former 1806 Wheels and Sticks location….
And a Soft Feature award for a story on the retirement of Derald Gross from the Pierre Police Department…
Stations in a six-state region compete for Sevareids which are presented at the end of the Midwest Journalism Conference held on the University of Minnesota campus. You can listen to the award-winning stories below.
Award of Merit Soft Feature “D” D-parts Pierre PD https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-d-departs-pierre-pd-5-01-23
Award of Merit Soft Feature; First Place Hard Feature; Award of Merit Audio; Awad of Merit Broadcast Writing Riding South Dakota’s Rails https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-riding-south-dakotas-rails-series-audio-writing-hard-feature-7-10-23
First Place Audio; Award of Merit Individual MultiMedia Storytelling; Award of Merit General Reporting Pierre Flys To Minneapolis Again https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-pierre-flys-to-minneapolis-again-general-audio-12-01-23
Award of Merit Audio; Fun Time Adventures Revives Go-Kart Track https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-fun-time-adventures-revives-go-kart-track-general-audio-8-11-23
Award of Merit General Reporting; Banghart Properties Denied Grain License https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-banghart-properties-denied-grain-license-5-01-23
First Place Evening Newscast; KCCR May 1st 2023 5 PM News https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-kccr-may-1st-5-pm-news-nc-5-01-23
First Place Breaking News; July 18th Hail Storm Over Pierre https://soundcloud.com/user-787788456/2023-awards-july-18th-2023-pierre-hail-storm-spot-7-18-23 https://www.facebook.com/kccrpierre/videos/208907641765800
Award of Merit Social Media for Severe Weather Coverage on Riverfront Broadcasting on Facebook LIVE