Hughes County Commission To Meet Tonight

Hughes County Commission To Meet Tonight

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. The Commission has two items of special business for consideration. The first is a raffle request filed by the South Dakota Landowner and Outfitter Alliance and a proclamation for Severe Weather Awareness Week. In new business, first consideration will be given to a proposed plat change in the Nystrom Addition and the Commission will consider the 2021-2022 audit closing conference. Commissioners will hear the annual financial report and request to repost bids for sleeve and line culverts. An update on the county’s drone and drone team will be presented to Commissioners along will personnel items and reports from the Auditor, County Manager and Commission liaisons. The Hughes County Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely, call 605-773-7508. The meeting PIN number to join is 1883.