PIERRE, (KCCR) — Drought is expanding in South Dakota. This week’s update of the U-S Drought Monitor for South Dakota shows a significant increase in abnormally dry conditions across the middle of the state. Dewey County is now in 100-percent abnormally dry from 60-percent last week. Sully and Potter Counties are also 100-percent abnormally dry. Abnormally dry areas have increased 27-percent across Ziebach County. D-zero drought went from zero-to-60-percent in the last week in Stanley County and zero-to-52-percent in Hughes County. Other counties now in abnormally dry include 95-percent of Burle; 33-percent of Hyde; 15-percent of Lyman; 14-percent of Tripp and three-percent of Hand. Elsewhere moderate drought has increased across western and northwestern South Dakota and makes up 10-percent of drought in South Dakota. This week 62-percent of the state is abnormally dry with 37-percent drought free.