House State Affairs Committee Passes Bill To Allow Retired Judges To Sub For Public Utilities Commissioners

House State Affairs Committee Passes Bill To Allow Retired Judges To Sub For Public Utilities Commissioners

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The House State Affairs Committee has approved a bill that would allow a retired judge to be appointed to fill in for Public Utilities Commissioner was not able to serve on a docket because of disqualification or incapacitation. State Treasurer Josh Haeder served as acting Commissioner on the Summit carbon dioxide pipeline docket and supports the measure…

Current law allows constitutional officers except the Attorney General to fill in for a P-U-C member. P-U-C Commissioner Gary Hansen testified in opposition to Senate Bill 177…

Representative Rocky Blare of Ideal opposed the motion to pass the bill saying he wanted to get more input to the measure…

Senate Bill 177 passed House State Affairs on an eight to five vote.