Capital Area Counseling, Boys And Girls Club Working To Transition Boys And Girls Club As Separate Non-Profit Agency

Capital Area Counseling, Boys And Girls Club Working To Transition Boys And Girls Club As Separate Non-Profit Agency

PIERRE, (KCCR) — Capital Area Counseling Services and the Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area are working together to foster a split of sorts; helping the Boys and Girls Club operate as an independent non-profit. C-A-C-S Board member Tiffany Sanchez says it’s a positive move for both agencies and the community…

Sanchez says Capital Area Counseling isn’t just kicking the Boys and Girls Club to the curb…

The donors will continue to be an important part of both agencies funding, but the move will create more opportunities for services…

Capital Area Counseling will continue to work with the Boys and Girls Club after the separation is complete, but any and all administrative functions will be separate. The move will also create a handful of new administrative positions to be filled at the Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area.