New Wall Being Built Behind Soldiers And Sailors Building Among Many Capitol Complex Projects Underway

New Wall Being Built Behind Soldiers And Sailors Building Among Many Capitol Complex Projects Underway

PIERRE, (KCCR) — While plenty of big ticket projects are underway and planned for the Capitol Complex in Pierre a number of smaller projects are also proceeding. Kristine Day with the Office of the State Engineer says crews are replacing railing recently added around Capitol Lake…

Day says a major project is underway to replace the retaining wall behind the Soldiers and Sailors Building…

Day says they are working with contractor A-G-E and the Pierre School District to make sure the work doesn’t interfere with track and field activities next spring…

Work is also being done on a small retaining wall at the Becker-Hanson building. Day presented updates on the projects to the Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission.