Latest Rendition Of Capitol Lake Master Plan Includes Version Of Flaming Fountain

Latest Rendition Of Capitol Lake Master Plan Includes Version Of Flaming Fountain

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The most recent version of the Capitol Lake Master Plan was presented to the Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission this month. Deputy State Engineer Kristine Day says a flaming fountain and other changes have been added to the blueprint…

Commissioner of the Bureau of Human Resources and Administration Darin Seeley says while not the original, natural flaming fountain, the feature is a nod to what makes Capitol Lake special…

As proposed, the flaming fountain would be placed near the Vietnam and Korean War memorials on the east side of the lake. Seeley says the design is preparing the complex for the future…

Currently, there is no funding set aside for improvements to the Capitol Lake memorials. That funding would require legislative approval.