District 24 Lawmakers Says Home School, Eminent Domain, Abortion Will Be Big Focus Points In Upcoming Legislative Session

District 24 Lawmakers Says Home School, Eminent Domain, Abortion Will Be Big Focus Points In Upcoming Legislative Session

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The 99th session of the South Dakota Legislature starts in about three weeks and lawmakers across the state are in prep mode for the 38-day term. District 24 Representative Mike Weisgram of Fort Pierre says eminent domain will likely return to the halls of the Capitol…

With declining enrollment in public schools across the nation District 24 Senator Jim Mehlhaff says bills on home schooling may grab headlines this session…

Representative Will Mortenson of Pierre says 2024 could be the most important year the Legislature will have in dealing with abortion policy…

The 2024 Legislative Session begins January 9th. The final day of the sessions main run is March 7th and the final day is March 25th.