PIERRE, (KCCR) — The South Dakota Unified Judicial System announced the passing of long time Third Circuit Judge Jon R, Erickson last week. Erickson started his career at a Chamberlain law firm before serving as a deputy State’s Attorney in Brule County from 1975 to 1980. Erickson also served as an assistant attorney general in South Dakota and at the U-S Attorney’s office. Lesser known to many is the fact Erickson was the first Judge in South Dakota to allow the historic first use of cameras in a circuit courtroom…
Erickson read that verdict at the end of a 2011 murder case in Beadle County. In that case Edwin Thompson was found guilty but mentally ill in the November 2010 death of Ryan Treadway in Huron…
The closing arguments in the Thompson trial were aired live on radio and television on the first day the rules went into effect, July 1st 2011. Erickson also allowed audio and video for the sentencing of James Harris, a Minnesota man who struck and killed 16 year-old Zachary Eichstadt of De Smet while drunk in September of 2011…
Erickson was appointed as a judge by Governor George Mickelson in 1988 and served until 2018. Erickson passed away December 2nd at 73 years old.