PIERRE, (KCCR) — The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department has confirmed the expansion of an aquatic invasive species in the state’s largest lake, Lake Oahe. The Department says zebra mussels were discovered on boat ramps removed from Oahe at East Shore and Cow Creek. The detection of zebra mussels means Lake Oahe is now considered confirmed water. The G-F and P’s Zebra Mussel Rapid Response Team will place high-profile signage at access areas to Oahe as well as actively engaging boaters and reinforcing decontamination requirements for vessels using the lake. Before now, zebra mussels have been confirmed in the Missouri River on Lake Sharpe as far up the river as the West Bend Recreation Area in 2019, Zebra mussels were discovered near the Big Bend Dam at Fort Thompson and near Chamberlain on Lake Francis Case. Game, Fish and Parks Communications Director Nick Harrington says Oahe is the state’s most popular fishery, with many access locations and is why it’s important to make users aware of the zebra mussel confirmation.