Better Business Bureau Says New Research Shows 18-24 Year Olds Most Susceptible To Scamming

Better Business Bureau Says New Research Shows 18-24 Year Olds Most Susceptible To Scamming

PIERRE. (KCCR) — New research by the Better Business Bureau is discovering an unlikely age group is falling victim to losing money through scams. Jessie Schmidt with the B-B-B in South Dakota says 18 to 24 year-old’s are losing more money from a variety of scams…

Schmidt says young adults get their information from sources different from older individuals and may not be as aware of possible scams…

The riskiest scams for young adults center around employment…

Other top 10 riskiest scams for 18 to 24 year-old include Cryptocurrency, rental scams, investment, fake check or money orders, phishing, romance, advance fee loans and credit repair/debt relief scams. Employment scams had the highest median dollar loss for 18 to 24 year-olds at just over 1800-dollars.