PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Pierre City Commission is meeting tonight at the Pierre Municipal Building. Again, a lighter agenda will greet Commissioners this evening. First up is a five item consent calendar which contains meeting minutes from last week’s meeting, claims, two new hires for the Library and Solid Waste Department and an appointment to the Arbor Board. A public hearing will be held at 5:45 pm for a temporary liquor license request filed by Larkspur Landing L-L-C for an event at the Larkspar Landing Event Center. Commissioners will also consider approval of a five-year airport engineering agreement, a request to purchase a side dump for the Water Department and a resolution to support financial assistance for Stencil Group and their proposed apartment project near the Pierre Municipal Building. Commissioners will close out the meeting by presenting any dialogue they may have. The Pierre City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. The meeting is open to the community.