Stanley County with Big Region Matchup at Dupree

Stanley County with Big Region Matchup at Dupree

The Stanley County Buffaloes are trying to climb the standings in Region 6A and one of the teams ahead of them, the Dupree Tigers, is tonight’s opponent.

The Lady Buffs will be in Dupree tonight to face the 12-6 Tigers. Dupree is coming off a loss on Tuesday to the Faith Longhorns with Faith now at 22-2. Stanley County is trailing Dupree by less than a full seed point and win will help close the gap as the season hits its final stretch. After tonight’s game, Stanley County will have just three dates remaining and four games left to go. The Lady Buffs will most likely not be able to climb to a second spot, but still want to hold onto a two four spot to host a first round playoff matchup.

First serve will be around 7:30 Central Time tonight from Dupree.