PIERRE, (KCCR) — The multi-year reconstruction project of U-S Highway 83 in Mellette County is a finalist for one of two 2023 America’s Transportation Awards. The Highway 83 Corridor Improvements and Reconstruction project expanded the capacity of Highway 83 while adding two shared-use paths to increase pedestrian safety through White River. The 112-million dollar project created better traffic flow for some of the 15-hundred to 28-hundred vehicles that use Highway 83 each day. The projects also smoothed out several vertical curves to improve safety. Other projects are from the states of Florida, Georgia, Illinois , Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Vermont. Some of the projects include Florida’s emergency rebuild of the Sanibel Island causeway after Hurricane Ian and Kentucky’s response to the Mayfield Tornado. A total of 81 nominations were submitted. The project with the highest number of online public votes, weighted by state population will win. A link to the voting is posted with this story at kccrradio.com.