PIERRE, (KCCR) — The South Dakota Department of Transportation announced over 74-point-three million dollars in funding awards for 50 local bridge projects across the state. A total of 268 applications were considered for approval. They include for bridge removal, local bridges on federal aid routes, local bridges not on federal aid routes and bridge improvement grant engineering. Three Hand County bridges were approved for bridge removal. A total of 21 applications were received for bridge rehab or replacement on federal aid routes. Some 190 applications were received for rehab and replacement on non-federal air routes including two in Hand County and bridges in Jones and Jackson Counties. Those bridges account for some 45 and a half million dollars in funding. Of 51 applications for BIG grant preliminary engineering and hydraulic studies, 23 were approved. They include 11 in Hand County and one each in Lyman and Tripp Counties. Those 23 grants account for one-and-a-half million dollars in funding.