Mortenson Hopeful Veteran Voices Are Heard During Planning For Capitol Lake Improvements

Mortenson Hopeful Veteran Voices Are Heard During Planning For Capitol Lake Improvements

PIERRE — A first draft of the Capitol Lake Master Plan was released late last week in a public meeting at the Capitol Lake Visitor’s Center. Among those in attendance was District 24 Representative Will Mortenson…

Many Veterans also attended the public meeting. Some said they hadn’t been contacted about the plan after hearing that Veterans would be involved in giving input to the project. Mortenson is hopeful vet voices are heard…

There was also frustration Thursday night from some that a replacement for the famed Flaming Fountain was not a part of the first swing of planning for the site. Mortenson is encouraged by the preliminary inclusion of multiple fountain features in the plan…

Mortenson and the District 24 legislators have pushed for initial funding for dredging Capitol Lake and developing the master plan. He says improvements to Capitol Lake will be a multi-year project.