Riding South Dakota’s Rails Part 4

Riding South Dakota’s Rails Part 4

PLANKINTON — As our series Riding South Dakota’s Rails continues today, the group of around 25 motorcars work their way east down the Ringneck and Western line to Mount Vernon. The group can stretch out up to three miles a part. Two-way radios are used to communication track information and updates to the group. Excursion Coordinator Dave Voeltz of Pierre was leading the contingent past Pukwana when he notice a crossing covered in dirt…

Operators use reg flags to signal conditions to operators behind them. A red flag out indicates a road crossing and waving the flag up and down indicates a top. The rail convoy stopped in White Lake for a break then Mount Vernon for lunch. The group turned around early as a freight train scheduled for the end of July was coming to Kennebec that afternoon. It was a blessing in disguise as the motorcars pulled into a siding in Plankinton to make a 750 dollar donation to the Sweep-Van Dyke Railroad Museum and Cultural Center…

Gayle Van Genderen is president of the museum and says the donation will go a long way…

The money NARCOA was planning to pay Ringneck and Western was donated on behalf of the railroad to the museum. Riding South Dakota’s Rails concludes tomorrow with ice cream and a trip to New Jersey.