PRESHO — An Interstate 90 exit in Lyman County has reopened…for now. Crews have completed the first part of a three part project to repair damage done to the I-90 bridge at U-S Highway 183 in Presho. Last fall, a vehicle too tall to pass under the structure hit the bridge at Exit 226. Highway 183 under the bridge was closed while the damaged part of the westbound bridge was removed. The project is far from over. In mid-July, 183 will close again so the damaged girders can be replaced and new concrete put down. During closures of 183, westbound I-90 traffic will be detoured to east to Kennebec. Motorist in Presho wanting to go south on 183 will need to use Exit 225 to drive a mile east to Exit 226 to then go south on 183. The cost to repair the bridge is around a half-million dollar. The project should be completed in mid to late fall.