FORT PIERRE — The Stanley County Commission is holding it’s June meeting tonight. Commissioners will meet with Treasurer Bill Konst to discuss a tax deed and CD/Sweeping account. Stanley County 4-H will meet with Commissioners as will Deb Schiefelbien regarding the Log Cabin and Fairgrounds Manager Scott Deal. Deal will discuss fire lane striping and a community service work program. The Commission will discuss the 4th of July Rodeo budget and meet with Highway Superintendent Lee Smith. Smith will request two pieces of machinery be declared surplus and will discuss radios and a new hire. Personnel items will also be discussed in the State’s Attorney’s office with consideration of a resignation, a raise and a new hire. Other agenda items include the Director of Equalization vacancy; enrolling Commissioners in a Department of Revenue Assessor certification program, a wage and salary review; communication site leases, courthouse air conditioning and more. The Stanley County Commission meets tonight at the Stanley County Courthouse at five pm.