The Pierre Governor boys tennis team would defeat Vermillion, but fall to Yankton and Mitchell in the Mitchell Quadrangular on Monday.
The Governors dropped both matches to Yankton and Mitchell in a 9-0 sweep, but were able to knock of Vermillion 7-2. Devin Dodson in singles flight one, Jacob Leiferman in flight three, Keller Herman in flight four, Joe Mikkonen in flight five and Weston Northrup in flight six all won their singles matches while Dodson and Hight in doubles flight one and Mikkonen and Northrup in flight three would win their doubles matches. Mikkonen and Northrup would have the best knocking off their opponent with a 10-1 win. The Governors are now 4-11 on the season.
Pierre will host its annual invite tournament with teams playing in duals on Thursday and a bracket style tournament on Friday, all at Griffin Park in Pierre.