PIERRE — If it passes the South Dakota Senate Wednesday, at bill to appropriate for design costs relating to construction of a new state public health lab in Pierre will be on it’s way to Governor Kristi Noem. House 1022 is one of the last bills for the Legislature to consider. The dollar amount was amended frequently from 12-point-eight million; to two-million, then five-million then back to 12-point-eight. Representative Mike Derby says if H-B1022 isn’t passed it could have a ripple effect on state buildings in Pierre…
Representative Chris Karr, an appropriator, had concerns with the ask…
Representative Tony VenHuizen says asking for less money simply doesn’t work for the project…
The Health Lab expansion was approved last year using federal fund authority with Covid-19 funds for nearly 70-million dollars. The House adopted the conference committee report on H-B 1022 51 to 19.