Phantom Ballot Measure Results Show Hughes County Supporting Possible Ambulance District

Phantom Ballot Measure Results Show Hughes County Supporting Possible Ambulance District

PIERRE — There was one vote in this week’s election that didn’t mean anything, yet some voters decided to check off a selection anyway. It was a vote to establish an ambulance district in Hughes and Stanley Counties. The idea was stopped after ballots were printed so the vote stayed as the cost to reprint ballots was prohibitive. Voters would have passed a district in Hughes County as it gained 71-percent approval. Those voting absentee passed the district with 72-percent of the vote. Vote centers in Pierre saw wide approval of a district with margins of 75, 73 and 68-percen. Rural Hughes County voters split as to their desire for a possible ambulance district. Blunt voters approved an ambulance district by 62-percent, but it would have failed among Harrold voters in a close race, 50 to 49-percent. Only one vote decided the Harrold vote center, 41 to 40. Stanley County did not have the ambulance district vote printed on their ballots so no numbers are available.