FORT PIERRE — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room. The Council will hear reports from city officials before getting into agenda items. A public hearing will be held for an on-off sale malt beverage and South Dakota wine license for Maier Meats doing business as the Hangout. Council members will get an update on the Verendrye Museum and will consider a change order and final payment on the 2022 mill and overlay project. The Council will consider approval of a plat and the appointment of Lori Jacobson to the Arbor Board. Other agenda items include 2023 liquor license renewals, bids and awards for the city’s tree removal project, shop space and setting a public hearing for a firearms discharge request by the Dunes golf course. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at 6:30pm. To join the meeting remotely use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 814 124-6625.