Mitchell To Rapid City Rail Line To Return To Service Next Week Following September Derailment In Lyman County

Mitchell To Rapid City Rail Line To Return To Service Next Week Following September Derailment In Lyman County

PIERRE — The Ringneck and Western Railroad, that operates on the former Mitchell to Rapid City or M-R-C line, between Mitchell and Presho updated the South Dakota State Railroad Board on a minor derailment on the line in Lyman County earlier this year. General Manager Ryan Yanez says the September 25th incident did significant damage to tracks…

Yanez says a number work crews are on the hustle to get the line back in operation…

Yanez says the Ringneck and Western is getting an education on working atop the troublesome Pierre Shale in the area…

The investigation of the derailment is believed to be something with one of the wheel assemblies on the train. The derailment took place in what is known locally as “The Gorge”; a ten-mile section of track between Oacoma and Reliance.