FORT PIERRE — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room. The Council will get updates from city officials before getting into the main agenda. Council members will acknowledge the city’s receipt of drinking water certificates of achievement and will get an update on disposal of a manure pile north of Fort Pierre. Four temporary liquor licenses are up for consideration by the Council. They include two for Trader Days, one for the Pat Duffy Community Center and the fourth for the Indian Relay Races in September. A public hearing will be set for similar licenses for events at the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center in September. The Council will consider an ambulance district resolution, museum attendant and the introduction of two ordinances on vacation rentals. Council members will also consider a pay request for the wastewater improvements and renewal of health insurance for city employees. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at 6:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 814-124-6625.