PIERRE — A light agenda comes before the Pierre City Commission tonight. A five-item consent calendar is first up for Commissioners. It includes the minutes from the July 5th meeting, a new hire, a salary increase to account for a certification a request to add an FTE in the Street Department and the claims. Only three items of new business make up the balance of the agenda. Commissioners will consider a request to serve alcohol at the South Dakota Discover Center on July 15th from 5:30 to seven PM and a street closure request for a special event to be held on South Dakota Boulevard, behind the State Capitol on July 23rd from 8:30 A-M to 4:30 P-M and July 24th from 7:30 AM to one-PM. Commissioners will also consider approval of the plat of two lots in the Highlands Ridge First Addition. Commissioners will close out the meeting by presenting any dialogue they many have. The Pierre City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM in the Pierre Municipal Building.