FORT PIERRE — The Juneteenth holiday is moving the Fort Pierre City Council meeting to tonight from the usual Monday night meeting. The Council will get reports from city officials before getting into the agenda. The Council will hold a public hearing for an application to the State Revolving Fund for the city’s drinking water system. A resolution regarding that application will be considered after the hearing. Council members will also consider a developers agreement for TIF number six and an agreement with the Corps of Engineers for a flood prevention plan. Also on the agenda is authorization for payment to Floyd’s Truck Center for a truck connected to the V-W Program Grant and the surplussing of a truck also related to the V-W grant. The Council will consider a circuit breaker bottle, advertising for hay ground, mobile home court licenses, a recodification proposal, industrial hemp and personnel. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM in the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room in Fort Pierre.