PIERRE — Pierre City Commissioners may again be in for a short night. Two items are on the agenda; the consent calendar and one regular agenda item. The calendar for the night is extensive. It includes minutes from the March 29th meeting, a raffle request for Missouri Shores Bingo at the Missouri Avenue Event Center and appointments to the Business Improvement District number one and the Traffic Safety Committee. A number of seasonal new hires are also included on the consent calendar. They include an engineering intern, two park hires, a park mechanic, one in the street department and 14 recreation seasonal new hires. The claims and the setting of a public hearing for April 19th close out the calendar. The only regular agenda item is a public hearing for 5:45 pm, for the exchange of real property with Darrell and Deborah Beck. That could create interesting logistics if the reading of the consent calendar doesn’t last 15 minutes. The Pierre City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm.