PIERRE — The Hughes County Commission is back to their regular time and date after having their last meeting shuffled due to the President’s Day holiday. The Commission will consider approval of the agenda and will declare any conflicts of interest before getting into new business. Commissioners will consider bids for mag water and culverts and the purchase of a grader-mounted sod mulcher. Three planning and zoning items will come before the Commission. They are first readings for two rezonings and the first consideration of a plat. Commissioners will consider a jail food services contract and commissary agreement; salary schedule, personnel items, volunteer board appointments, the claims and reports. The Commission is scheduled to meet in executive session for contract negotiations and personnel. The Hughes County Commission meets tonight at 5:30 P-M. To join remotely, use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799 or 1-346-248-7799. The meeting ID is 330-266-0634; the pass code is 880-456.