Prosecutors In Ravnsborg Case Testify Before House Select Committee On Investigation

Prosecutors In Ravnsborg Case Testify Before House Select Committee On Investigation

PIERRE — The House Select Committee on Investigation heard from the final four people they subpoenaed as they look into the possible impeachment of Attorney General Jason Ravsnborg. The Committee questioned for nearly an hour two of the prosecutors involved. Under questioning from Representative Mike Stevens, Hyde County Deputy States Attorney Emily Sovell says she did not want video interviews with Ravnsborg released…

Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore says in any high profile case there is pressure to make certain decisions…

Earlier in the testimony, Representative Ryan Cwach questioned A-G Chief of Staff Tim Bormann about his comments to investigators about the conduct of Hyde County Sheriff Mike Volek…

The Committee released all of those under subpoena in the investigation. The Committee will meet next on March 10th.