The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. The Commission will start the 5:30 PM meeting with Planning and Zoning items. Four public hearings will be held for items including two amendments to P-U-D’s, rezoning in the Falcon Ridge Subdivision and a rezoning request in a P-U-D. A public hearing will also be held for a liquor license transfer. In old business, Commissioners will discuss jail rates. New business includes consideration of liquor license renewals, employee health insurance and salary schedules. The Commission will consider budgeted cash transfers, contingency transfers and budget transfers. Also on the agenda for consideration is a raffle request, personnel items, the claims and reports from liaisons and the County Manager. An executive session is scheduled for Care of the Poor. To join the meeting remotely use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 330-266-0634. The passcode is 880-456.