PIERRE — The District 24 legislative delegation is looking to push for funding to repair the Flaming Fountain at Capitol Lake during the 2022 Legislative session. Representative Will Mortenson says the South Dakota School of Mines investigated the fountain that hasn’t had a consistent flame since 2008…
The School of Mines monitored the methane releases from the fountain for three months in 2019 that show inconsistencies with gas flow. On April 25th the flow was around 400 parts per million. The next day, April 26th, methane concentrations spiked to 1400 parts per million and the following day, April 27th, the methane plummeted to less than 200. Mortenson says the possibility of substantial one-time funding would be a perfect use for that money…
Mortenson says the four page report showed how urgent repairing the fountain needs to be…
The report gives three steps for repairing the well include removing an obstruction from the current well, using video to inspect the well, and then capping the well. A replacement well would include a new well or Missouri River water and piping in commercial natural gas for the flame.