PIERRE — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. Commissioners will start by meeting in executive session to consult with legal counsel. In old business, the Commission will discuss a fuel tank for the Harrold Highway Shop and the purchase of a Sheriff’s vehicle. New business for the Hughes County Commission starts with four planning and zoning items for consideration. Each of the items is a first reading. Two are for rezoning requests and two are for amendments to P-U-D’s. The Commission will consider personnel items, jail rates and the purchase of a pickup for the Highway Department. Commissioners will also consider flooring for the courthouse basement, changes to the personnel policy manual, donated sick leave, the claims and reports. The Commission will return to executive session to discuss personnel. The meeting starts at 5:30 PM. To join the meeting remotely use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 330-266-0634. Passcode is 880-456.