FORT PIERRE — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League Building in Fort Pierre. The Council will consider approval of the agenda and declare any conflicts of interest before hearing reports from city officials. A public hearing will be held for an ordinance for the Marion’s Garden Planned Development District. Second reading will be given to that ordinance following the public hearing. Council members will get an update from Project Solutions on progress with construction of the John Waldron Bridge and will consider an ambulance contract. Also on the agenda is a temporary use permit for an auction, a temporary liquor license filed by the Silver Spur and the Council is offering Jim Hoffman time to discuss budget items and the city’s water plan. To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting id is 814-124-6625. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at 6:30 PM.