PIERRE — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. The Commission will host a joint meeting with the Pierre City Commission to consider final plat and plans for Farm Island View Estates. The Commission will hold two public hearings; one at 5:30 and the other at 5:45 pm on the Spring Creek Road Speed Limit and a moving permit request. Commissioners will consider personnel matters, a motor grader purchase for the highway department and roof repairs at the Hughes County Jail. The Commission will also consider an information technology service agreement with the City of Pierre, contingency transfers, budget discussions approval of the claims and reports. An executive session is on the agenda to consult with Counsel. The Hughes County Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 330-266-0634. The passcode is 880-456 pound sign.