FORT PIERRE — Reporters and news teams from across South Dakota crammed into the Stanley County Courthouse Friday morning to bring the fate of South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg to their listeners, viewers and readers. Ravnsborg was facing three charges as a result of killing 55 year-old Joseph Boever of Highmore with his car. Ravnsborg attorney Tim Rensch says the early release of interrogation videos by Governor Kristi Noem didn’t help the unfortunate situation…
District 24 Representative Will Mortenson, who brought impeachment articles against Ravnsborg, hoped part of Ravnsborg’s sentence would be a forced resignation from office. Prosecutor Mike Moore says that discussion was never on the table…
Boever cousin Nick Nemec says the Attorney General has not acted honorable during the entire ordeal…
Governor Kristi Noem released a statement saying she is disappointed by how the process was handled and is ordering the Department of Public Safety to give a complete copy of the investigation to Speaker of the House Spencer Gosch so that the Legislature could consider impeachment proceedings.