PIERRE — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. Commissioners will consider approval of the agenda and hold a public hearing at 5:30 pm on the Spring Creek Road speed limit ordinance. New business includes an audit entrance conference and three planning and zoning items. They include an update on the building permit at Cyrus Place, final consideration of plat and plans for Blue Water Acres and first reading of a medical cannabis ordinance. First reading will also be given to a medical cannabis licensing ordinance. Commissioners will discuss an electronic speed limit sign and personnel items. The Commission will consider an order to incorporate a road district, surplus equipment and hold more discussions on next year’s budget. Commissioners will also consider approval of the claims and hear reports, before opening the floor up for public comment and an executive session to consult with counsel. The Hughes County Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is 330-266-0634 pound sign and the password is 880-456 pound sign.