This coming weekend plenty of baseball players with aspirations of playing at the highest stage will take its next step. The Major League Baseball Draft is scheduled to begin on Sunday, July 11 and run through July 14.
There are four potential and projected draft picks that will come out of South Dakota. Two High Schoolers, Chase Mason from Viborg-Hurley and with Harrisburg Legion’s team and Branson Kuehl of Rapid City Post 22. Cooper Bowman is currently at Louisville playing in the ACC. Then there’s Pierre native, Peyton Zabel who finished up his only full season at Iowa Western but is committed to Louisiana-Lafayette.
Zabel spent several weeks out in the MLB Draft League with the Frederick Keys. Zabel says he enjoyed his time throwing for the Keys…
Zabel says there’s a lot of moving pieces when it comes to the draft but he’s happy to be back in Pierre for the time being…
And Zabel says he’s in a good position either way with also having the opportunity to play at Louisiana-Lafayette.
The MLB Draft is scheduled to start on Sunday, July 11 and run through Tuesday July 13 with a 20 round draft.