PIERRE — The Hughes County Commission is meeting tonight at the Hughes County Courthouse. Commissioners will discuss the River Cities Transit Budget and will conduct a courthouse facility review with Broz Engineering. Four Planning and Zoning items are on the agenda. All are first reading or first consideration of plat and rezoning matters. Commissioners will consider a jail contract, jail HVAC request and personnel matters. The Commission will discuss repairs to West Bend Road and an agreement regarding those repairs with the state Game, Fish and Parks Department. Commissioners will consider surplusing equipment, work permits for right-of-way work, the Dakota Landing Road District, a resolution regarding a property tax discretionary formula, courthouse cameras, investments, air conditioning, the claims, reports and an executive session for personnel. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely call 1-312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID 330-266-0634. The passcode is 880-456 pound sign.